NYLS benefits from a successful, supportive alumni community.
With that in mind, the School has debuted LEAD—the Leadership Excellence and Attorney Development Program. Through LEAD, experienced alumni and the School partner to give Class of 2020 grads extra support as they launch their careers during a challenging time. Like the Venable-NYLS Summer Associate Simulation Program last summer, LEAD directly responds to the challenges young professionals face in a job market impacted by COVID-19.
How the Program Works
Experienced private-sector alumni can join LEAD this spring by hiring a 2020 graduate (subject to certain salary and other requirements). In turn, they will receive access to exclusive networking programs hosted by NYLS, including seminars, CLEs, and workshops. They’ll also benefit from developing their mentoring skills and supporting the School’s newest graduates.
Class of 2020 graduates who are seeking employment and are eager to learn from experienced alumni gain access to these job opportunities. They also receive career development training, support, and mentoring from NYLS and its alumni.
In announcing LEAD, Dean Anthony W. Crowell said, “If you are an experienced attorney who remembers and is grateful to the lawyers who welcomed and trained you when you graduated, we invite you to pay it forward and train the next generation of lawyers and leaders from the Class of 2020 at this difficult time.”
Learn More
NYLS’s Office of Career Development is spearheading the initiative.
“Alumni who have been looking for ways to support new grads during the pandemic should reach out to us,” said Jeff Becherer, Associate Dean for Academic Planning, Career Development, and Community Engagement. “Our team is ready to work with you on every step of the hiring process, and we’re particularly skilled at matching you with a new graduate who will eagerly contribute to your firm or organization’s success.”
Experienced alumni can contact Irina Gomelskaya, Senior Director of Employer and Alumni Relations. Class of 2020 graduates should reach out to Beth Dambriunas ’85, Senior Director of Alumni Advising.