Award Is Given by NYSBA’s Committee on Professional Ethics to an Individual or Institution That Has Significantly Contributed to an Understanding of Professional Ethics
New York, NY (January 21, 2020) – New York Law School (NYLS) Professor Rebecca Roiphe, an influential legal ethics scholar, will receive the Sanford D. Levy Award from the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) on January 29, 2020 at NYSBA’s Annual Meeting.
NYSBA’s Committee on Professional Ethics has given the award annually since 1982 to an individual or institution that has “significantly contributed to an understanding of professional ethics.” Past winners include former New York State Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, Professor Stephen Gillers (New York University School of Law), Professor Emeritus Thomas D. Morgan (George Washington School of Law), and Roger C. Cramton (former Assistant Attorney General and former Dean of Cornell University Law School).
“By serving as a smart and honest voice on national news, and sharing her insights in top scholarly and mainstream publications, Professor Roiphe has expanded and elevated the national discourse on legal and prosecutorial ethics,” said Anthony W. Crowell, NYLS Dean and President. “I’m very proud that she has earned this well-deserved recognition.”
“All of Professor Roiphe’s colleagues feel great pride in this wonderful tribute to her tireless efforts to make the law better,” said William P. LaPiana, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Rita and Joseph Solomon Professor of Wills, Trusts, and Estates at NYLS.
Read NYSBA’s announcement here.
About Professor Rebecca Roiphe
Professor Rebecca Roiphe studies lawyers’ ethics and the history of the legal profession, focusing on the interaction between lawyers’ work and the rhetoric or ideals of professionalism. In her scholarship, she draws on her experience as a former Manhattan prosecutor and her training as a historian to emphasize the important mediating role prosecutors play in American democracy and to examine the country’s tradition of prosecutorial independence, particularly with regard to the President’s power to control the Department of Justice. Professor Roiphe is a contributing legal analyst at CBS News, where she appears regularly to discuss breaking national news, including the ongoing presidential impeachment proceedings. Her opinion pieces have appeared in Slate, the New York Review of Books, POLITICO, U.S. News, and other popular press. She has appeared on CNN and MSNBC, and she is frequently quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, VICE News, and the New York Law Journal. She also serves as Co-Dean for Faculty Scholarship at NYLS.