As we prepare for classes, I would traditionally take this opportunity to offer you New Year’s wishes. And, as I have said to a number of you, it has been my deep hope that this year would bring us all — as a community of families, friends and colleagues, and as a nation — closer together.
The Top 10 Stories of 2020
Take a look at NYLS’s top-performing feature stories in 2020.
Reflections on the Passing of Mayor David N. Dinkins
New York Law School mourns the passing of one New York City’s most trailblazing, civic leaders, Mayor David N. Dinkins.
Criminal Defense Clinic Partners With Good Call to Support Low-Income New Yorkers Pre-Arraignment
This semester, NYLS’s Criminal Defense Clinic has partnered with Good Call to create comprehensive, unified training materials for its growing base of attorney volunteers,
New York Legal Community Rates NYLS’s Graduate Tax Program No. 1 for 11 Years Straight
The program is open to qualified lawyers who hold a J.D. degree from an American Bar Association-accredited law school or an equivalent foreign law degree. Registration is open for Fall 2020 information sessions.
Message From the Dean on the 2020 Election Results
Today was an historic one for our nation and the world with the election of former Vice President Joe Biden as President, and Senator Kamala Harris as Vice President, the first woman and person of color to serve in that Office.
Strategic Plan Guides NYLS’s Approach to Navigating the Pandemic
Months into the unprecedented health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19, the Plan is guiding NYLS’s successful admissions, bar success, and career development initiatives.
NYLS, Interfaith Center of New York, and State Bar Association Offer Lawyering and Religious Diversity Training
The training, which offers CLE credit, will help attorneys work effectively with clients from New York City’s diverse faith communities, in order to ensure equal access to justice for New Yorkers of all religious and secular backgrounds.
NYLS Racial Justice Project Celebrates Key Win in Case Seeking Judicial Inquiry into Eric Garner’s Death
A major ruling today in Carr v. de Blasio paves the way for a judicial inquiry into the 2014 death of Eric Garner.
Message From the Board Chair and Dean on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Board Chair Arthur N. Abbey ’59 and Dean Anthony W. Crowell reflect on Justice Ginsburg’s life, career, and 2018 visit to NYLS.