For 11 years in a row, readers of the New York Law Journal have rated NYLS’s LL.M. in Taxation Program No. 1 statewide among “Banking/Bankruptcy/Tax LL.M. Programs.”
The program is open to qualified lawyers who hold a J.D. degree from an American Bar Association-accredited law school or an equivalent foreign law degree. All students complete a rigorous core curriculum and choose an area of concentration: Corporate Tax, Estate Planning, International Taxation, General Taxation, or Tax Litigation. The Program culminates in a capstone, which consists of a series of advanced tax planning seminars designed to refine analytical, research, and communication skills and to enhance professional judgment and competence in the student’s chosen concentration.
Many students pursue the program part-time while working for major corporations, banks, insurance companies, and law firms of all sizes. NYLS also offers summer programs for those who wish to accelerate their study of law during the summer.
Learn more about LL.M. program curriculum and requirements.
Fall Information Sessions
- Wednesday, November 11, 5:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 8, 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Information sessions will be held virtually. RSVP to Ashley Oliver.
Recognition for Continuing Legal Education
NYLS was also ranked No. 3 by New York Law Journal readers for the quality of its continuing legal education programming. Learn more about NYLS’s CLE offerings.