Patent Law Clinic students helped their client patent her adaptive fashion invention to help mobility-impaired women.
The Plumeri Center Hosts Small Business Forum for Tribeca Community
The Plumeri Center for Small Business Empowerment at New York Law School hosted a panel and community gathering event on February 20 during National Entrepreneurship Week.
NYLS Receives Top Grades for Academic Programs in preLaw
New York Law School is delighted to be recognized for our academic programs in government, real estate law, and trial advocacy in preLaw magazine’s Winter 2025 issue.
Empowering Small Businesses With Legal Tools
On November 21, four students from New York Law School (NYLS) visited Mangrove to give a presentation helping small business owners learn their options for legally safeguarding their businesses.
NYLS Patent Law Clinic Visits Harvard Medical School
Three Patent Law Clinic students reflected on their recent visit to Boston and their experience working with two inventors of new medical technology.
NYLS Earns High Marks from preLaw Magazine in 3 Key Academic Areas
New York Law School is proud to be named as a top school in areas of racial justice, business law, and criminal law in preLaw magazine’s recent issue.
NYLS Patent Law Clinic Helps Disabled Veteran Patent Clean Energy Invention
The Patent Law Clinic of The Plumeri Center for Small Business Empowerment recently assisted client Tracy Omdahl in obtaining a U.S. patent.
NYLS Earns Accolades in preLaw’s 2024 Back to School Issue
In preLaw magazine’s recent issue, New York Law School is proud to be named as a top school in areas of technology law, child and family law, and human rights law.
Finding Empathy and Resilience in the Criminal Defense Clinic
Anahita Khorsand ’24 shares her perspective on her experience in the New York Law School Criminal Defense Clinic.
Post-Conviction Innocence Clinic Client’s Conviction Vacated After Years of Work
On May 16, 2024, after serving 23 years in prison, Stephen Carrington, represented by the Post-Conviction Innocence Clinic (PCIC) at New York Law School (NYLS), was exonerated in Brooklyn Supreme Court.