Katie James 4L Evening works at NYC Emergency Management, where she’s managing key response logistics and helping kids understand COVID.
NYLS Rises to the Challenge: Mendel Taub 2L
In addition to his legal studies, Mendel Taub 2L is a part-time police officer and emergency medical technician.
NYLS Rises to the Challenge: Kayla Santosuosso 3L Evening
Kayla Santosuosso 3L Evening is working hard for her South Brooklyn neighbors as Deputy Chief of Staff to a New York City Council Member.
NYLS Rises to the Challenge: Kacia Wilson 1L
For the past four years, Kacia Wilson 1L has balanced full-time school with a part-time job in the Lenox Hill Hospital Emergency Room.
Video: Three NYLS Students Share Their Experiences
In a new Q&A video, three current students—Shay Thomas 3L, M.J. Recanati 4L Evening, and Nick Nosce 2L—open up about their experiences at NYLS.
Stories of Teaching, Learning, and Advocacy in the Digital Environment
Amid the major changes caused by COVID-19, members of the NYLS community are finding innovative ways to do meaningful work.
Kayla Santosuosso 3L Evening a Finalist for “Law Students of the Year”
She’s a rising political star by day and a law student by night. And now, according to The National Jurist, Kayla Santosuosso 3L is one of the country’s most impressive law students.
NYLS Black Law Students Association Named Northeast “Chapter of the Year”
NYLS’s chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) has won the 2019–20 “Chapter of the Year” award for the Northeast Region of the National Black Law Students Association (NEBLSA).
New Mentoring Program Pairs Recent Alumni and Graduating Students
Gabrielle Esposito ’19 and Alexandra Simels ’19 have teamed up with Associate Dean Cynara McQuillan ’03 to launch a mentoring program that pairs last year’s graduates with members of the Class of 2020.
Clinic Reflection: My Client’s Journey to a New Life in the United States
NYLS graduate Trisha Sobha ’19 reflects on the experience of representing a young Yemeni woman, “S.,” in the Asylum Clinic.