Every spring, applications open and preparations begin for NYLS’s Undergraduate Summer Pre-Law Pipeline Program. To get a sense of the program, we’re looking back at last year’s session.
Black History Month Event: Honoring Justice Thurgood Marshall
On February 8, 2024, NYLS’s Racial Justice Project hosted an event honoring the legal icon Justice Thurgood Marshall.
Top Grades for NYLS in Academics, Diversity, and Campus
In its latest issue, preLaw magazine awarded New York Law School top grades for key academic programs in addition to highlighting our impressive Tribeca campus and diversity initiatives.
Our Journey to the Birthplace of the Environmental Justice Movement
Students in the NYLS Civil Rights and Disability Justice Clinic share their experiences at the 2023 Summit on Climate, Environmental Justice, Racism, and the Law.
New York Law School’s Top 10 Stories of 2023
Take a look at some of New York Law School’s most engaging spotlights and feature stories from around the law school community in 2023.
Belonging at New York Law School: Law Students Speak About the NYLS Community
We spoke with leaders from a few of our many engaged student organizations at New York Law School to hear more about what being a member of the NYLS community means to them.
Professor Britney Wilson Presents Pathbreaking Work-in-Progress
In September 2023, Professor Britney Wilson presented on her paper-in-progress, “Predisposed: Race, Disability, and Death Investigations,” at the 22nd Annual Health Law Scholars Workshop.
Message From the Dean: U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Race Conscious Admissions
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court departed from decades of case law that enabled colleges and universities to explicitly use race conscious admissions to help redress centuries of America’s history of racial discrimination and inequality.
Message From the Dean: Celebrating Pride Month
June is Pride Month, in which we celebrate our nation’s extraordinary LGBTQ+ community. It has been held every year since the Stonewall Riots took place 54 years ago.
Two NYLS Students Named 2023 NYC Bar Diversity Fellows
Congratulations to Wendy Zeng ’25 and Esfandiar Zoujaji ’25 on their selection as recipients of the 2023 New York City Bar Association’s Diversity Fellowship.