Since most legal education in the Philippines is on a part-time basis, the delegation was particularly curious about NYLS’s Evening Division experiential learning opportunities.
Professor Britney Wilson Presents Pathbreaking Work-in-Progress
In September 2023, Professor Britney Wilson presented on her paper-in-progress, “Predisposed: Race, Disability, and Death Investigations,” at the 22nd Annual Health Law Scholars Workshop.
5 NYLS Students Talk About Their Internships
We spoke with five NYLS students who discussed their recent legal internships and what they learned from their experiences.
The Insider’s Guide to Visiting Lower Manhattan
New York Law School is located in Tribeca—walking distance from New York City landmarks like Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, City Hall, and One World Trade Center. But there is so much more to Lower Manhattan. Below are 13 of our favorite Lower Manhattan spots you shouldn’t miss.
4 Ways to Learn How to Rest as a Law Student
Rest is a nonnegotiable aspect of wellness. So, while you’re developing your studying routines and building your lawyering skills, it’s critical that you also spend time creating your version of rest.
Post-Conviction Innocence Clinic Honors International Wrongful Conviction Day
The Post-Conviction Innocence Clinic (PCIC) at New York Law School’s Plumeri Center is a proud member of the Innocence Network—and alongside our fellow members, we will honor the 10th Annual International Wrongful Conviction Day on October 2.
Street Law Goes International at the Uzbekistan Street Law Academy
Earlier this summer, New York Law School Assistant Professor of Law Amy Wallace and Suzanna Neal ’24 traveled to Uzbekistan for the first-ever Uzbekistan Street Law Academy.
Incoming 1Ls Build Community at NYLS’s 2023 Orientation
“We want our incoming students to come away from the NYLS Orientation feeling supported, comfortable, and confident for the start of their legal education,” Assistant Dean of Students Shani Darby says.
Learning the Business Ropes at the Mini-M.B.A. Program
This spring, New York Law School students took part in the school’s week-long Mini-M.B.A. program, the flagship initiative of NYLS’s James Tricarico Jr. Institute for the Business of Law and In-House Counsel.
Two NYLS Students Named 2023 NYC Bar Diversity Fellows
Congratulations to Wendy Zeng ’25 and Esfandiar Zoujaji ’25 on their selection as recipients of the 2023 New York City Bar Association’s Diversity Fellowship.